If It Was Easy Then Everyone Would Do It

Perhaps the greatest myth of online income is that there are "secret formulas" and "step by step" processes that ANYONE can use to earn money online.

I'll address that insanity in a moment. But first…it's story time class…

Now class, pull up your carpet squares while Mr. Jim tells a story!

Hi Class! I'm Mr. Silent Jim and I'll be helping you learn a valuable lesson about Internet business that you all should know by now, but I've been hearing some "not so good" stories!

When I was in high school I worked 70 hours per week on average during the two summers between my sophomore, junior and senior years. I was saving up for college. The college education I went on to get consisted of "book knowledge" that I rarely if ever use today, but the lessons of those summers were far more valuable to my current success.

One of my summer jobs was at a fast food restaurant where I learned what it meant to "work hard" for every dollar, and the other job was with a local one man auto mechanic shop where steady hands, attention to the smallest detail, and the ability to FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS were the keys to keeping my boss from getting red faced and stomping about like a meanie.

When I applied for the "mechanic's helper" job my future boss only wanted to know ONE thing (the fine art of the one question interview). His one question, as it turns out,  contained a great lesson for anyone that is hoping to learn about online business.

(That's you and me class!)

"Do you have experience working on cars?",  he asked.

Dramatic pause.

THIS was the interview. The truth was I had very little knowledge of cars and I was sure the interview was over as soon as I answered honestly.

Do you think perhaps this guy needs to "unlearn" a few things about cars?

Had I said "yes", which is what I THOUGHT he was hoping to hear, I would NOT have gotten the job. Instead I was honest and said, "no – very little experience" and was surprise with his response back.

"Good", he said.  "That means I  don't have to make you unlearn a bunch of crap. You're hired. How much do you want per hour?" (Sorry class, I said "crap"!)

Let's get back to the point of this story.

If you are hoping to earn money online there are a lot of programs, gurus, courses and ebooks out there to chose from. The EASIEST thing to do it fall for the most hyped, step-by-step, funloving expert and plop down your cash.

If you've actually bought several of these hyped courses or books because of the great sales letters full of "shiny stuff" and psychological triggers and promises that you KNEW were too good to be true, then you actually have a DISADVANTAGE over the newbies with NO experience.

In other words, a BRAND NEW student with only basic Internet skills armed with ONE SIMPLE QUESTION is better off than you are.  My soon to be 12 year old has a HUGE advantage over you in all honesty!

You have the disadvantage of having "learned" a bunch of junk, you have the additional disadvantage of thinking your head knowledge puts you a step ahead (which it doesn't), and worst of all you likely think that the fault is inside you somehow for not having succeeded already (because your "guru teacher" is so cool, popular and influential that it CAN'T be their fault!)

The reality is though, it's quite likely that you'll have to UNLEARN a bunch of garbage before you can get started succeeding in business (online or offline).

If I sound confident about all of this it's because I've been a part of teaching literally THOUSANDS of people how to think the right way about online business and then how to succeed online. I recognize the "junk thinking" a mile away because I see it literally EVERY DAY.

Here are a few examples of the "junk" that is usually in the heads of my students:

  • building a website is a great way to start an online business. After all, what else is there?
  • affiliate income sounds fun! Let's all do that! After all it's so easy and anyone can do it right?
  • let's learn to drive traffic and then we can do all sorts of easy income stuff, right?!
  • I already have a great product idea. I need someone to show me how to sell it on the Internet!
  • someone tell me EXACTLY what to sell and THEN I can make lot's of money!
  • If I can just learn one more SEO tactic I'll be all set!

That's all GARBAGE, JUNK and rotten thinking that is actually CLOUDING your judgement and keeping you from the real opportunities online. I often call myself the bubble buster. It's my duty to you to play that role if necessary.

The one question you SHOULD have been asking of your teachers all along is this:

"How many people have you taught to earn a lot of money, and WHERE IS THE PROOF?"

Perhaps I should have asked my college profs that question before taking their courses! (Imagine that for a moment as a way to fix our business education problems!)

The fact is, if ANY of this online income stuff were easy then EVERYONE would be doing it.  Simple logic tells you that if EVERYONE starts doing something then the magic is quickly gone. The opportunity is tapped out.

  • The world doesn't need another weight loss product review site.
  • The world doesn't need another ipod seller on eBay.
  • The world doesn't need your "driving traffic" skills
  • The world doesn't need another full time affiliate marketer

Why? Because EVERYONE is doing it and the MAGIC is gone (or soon will be).

Story time is over. Neatly stack your carpet squares in the corner and I'll take any questions now.

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Source: https://www.jimcockrum.com/blog/2011/11/08/if-it-were-easy-everyone-would-be-doing-it/

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